About Us

Ranching is a family business.

Ross and Tiffany Cuny (pictured above) are blessed to continue the

family legacy.  

Adolph and Josephine Cuny first settled in Wyoming in the 1850. They had an entrepreneurial spirit that helped the first settlers tame Wyoming. They ranched from the Laramie range East towards Fort Laramie. Near Fort Laramie was their stage stop, freight company, and brothel called the Three Mile Ranch. Throughout those years Adolph served as sheriff and at the time of his death, deputy-sheriff. He is now recognized as the first law officer killed in the line of duty in Wyoming history. After his untimely death, Josephine and her family migrated to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation of South Dakota and settled the Cuny Table area. She was laid to rest in 1936 at the age of 101.

Charles Cuny Sr. was Adolph and Josephine's eldest son (and Ross' Great-grandfather). He was born in 1862 in Wyoming. After his father's death, he traveled through the Badlands of South Dakota and decided to bring his family to the area now named after him, Cuny Table. His entire family moved to the area and settled all across the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

Charles' second oldest son Charles Cuny Jr.,"Chat", was born in 1889. Grandpa Chat was left-handed and his maternal grandmother gave him the nickname from the Lakota word catka (chaht-t'kah), meaning left hand. Chat lived his entire life on Cuny Table. His youngest of seven is Dave, (Ross' dad). Dave was born in 1941 and was 22 years younger than his oldest sibling. Dave grew up with nephews and nieces as best friends all being close in age and some even a few years older. After high school he had plans on going to college but grandpa Chat's health caused him to change his plans and come home and help out his folks. 63 years later he is still at it with his wife Carole of 54 years and 7 children, 27 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren.

Dave and Carole's youngest of seven is Ross. A graduate of Hot Springs High School in 2000 and of the University of Wyoming in 2005. He came back to Cuny Table to ranch full time with his dad after graduation. He is the 5th generation of the Rock Spring Ranch on Cuny Table. His wife Tiffany and 5 daughters now have their turn at calling the Rock Spring Ranch home.

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